The Benton Area School District will be closed, Thursday, December 5, 2024. THIS WILL NOT BE A FID DAY.
2 months ago, Benton Area School District
The Benton Area School District will be on a 2 hour delay, Thursday, December 5, 2024.
2 months ago, Benton Area School District
The Benton Area School District will be on a two hour delay, Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
3 months ago, Benton Area School District
The Benton Area School District will be on a 2 hour delay today, Friday, November 22, 2024.
3 months ago, Benton Area School District
Join us tonight at 7pm for the 5th and 6th grade's performance of "The Granny Awards". This is a free community performance in the High School's Richard E. Martin Auditorium. 6th grade actors report to the HS music room at 6:15. 5th and 6th grade chorus members report to the HS cafeteria at 6:45. See you tonight!
3 months ago, Benton Area School District
There is a truck stuck at the intersection of Jonestown and traffic is not able to get around it. Once the truck is moved the rest of the students will be dropped off. Sorry for the inconvenience.
3 months ago, Benton Area School District
Are you in 8th, 9th, or 10th grade and interested in attending our Europe 2027 trip? If so, bring your parents Monday, Nov. 18th to the high school library for an informative meeting at 6:30pm.
3 months ago, Benton School District
Europe 2027 - Informative Meeting November 18th at 6:30pm in the High School library.
Picture Retake Day is November 19th! Parents that would like their student to get a picture retake are reminded that your student needs to turn in the original copies of pictures received before they can receive their retake copies. Picture orders can be placed for any students who were absent or new here: Please use the school code BENTON24 for the high school and LRAES24 for the elementary school.
3 months ago, Benton School District
Our school has arranged for a dentist to come to the school on December 13th. By seeing the in-school dentist, you can keep your child healthy, in school, and learning. Simply go to or fill out and sign the permission form and return it to the school with your child. If you have not received a permission form, please contact the school today and ask for one to be sent home with your child.
3 months ago, Benton Area School District
Phone and Internet service has been restored at the Elementary School. Sorry for the inconvenience!
4 months ago, Benton Area School District
The phone system and internet is down at the LR Appleman Elementary School this morning. If you need to contact the office please the District Office at 570-925-6651x1000. Thank you.
4 months ago, Benton Area School District
On Thursday, October 24th from 7-8:30 p.m. there will be an information session on Understanding AI in Education at Central Columbia High School. It is a free event hosted by the CSIU and featuring Matt Mervis of Skills 21 AI. You can register for tickets at
4 months ago, Benton Area School District
Free AI Educational Community Event Flyer
Our school has arranged for a dentist to come to the school on December 13th. By seeing the in-school dentist, you can keep your child healthy, in school, and learning. Simply go to or fill out and sign the permission form and return it to the school with your child. If you have not received a permission form, please contact the school today and ask for one to be sent home with your child.
4 months ago, Benton Area School District
Bring your family on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 for a free meal and learn more about Milton Hershey School and the life-changing opportunities our students receive! Dinner will be at the Morris Family Restaurant from 6-8 p.m. Registration is required. Scan the QR code or visit
4 months ago, Benton Area School District
Milton Hershey Page 1
Milton Hershey Page 2
If your Elementary student is interested in attending the Pathfinders program, please scan the QR code to register or contact Brianna Kunkel, 21st CCLC Program
4 months ago, Benton Area School District
Pathfinders Registration
HOCO Spirit Week
4 months ago, Benton Area School District
HOCO Spirit Week
The Benton Athletic Dept is sponsoring the 1st Sports Hall of Fame Celebration on Fri 10/11 @ 7pm in the HS Cafeteria. The event will follow our annual homecoming parade. All are invited to attend and no tickets are necessary.
5 months ago, Benton Area School District
There will be a financial aid night for parents of seniors hosted at the Millville High School on November 4, 2024 at 5:30 pm. A PHEAA Representative will be presenting and answering your questions on financial aid.
5 months ago, Benton Area School District
All students in Kindergarten-12th Grade are participating in an emergency evacuation drill at approximately 9:00 this morning. If you see students on the streets of Benton this morning, please know that they are just participating in an evacuation drill. There is no need for alarm.
5 months ago, Benton Area School District
Congratulations to the 143 students that participated in our Fall Reading Challenge. We're thankful to Retherford's Farm Market for donating all the corn maze and train ride passes this year.
5 months ago, Benton Area School District